Happy Anniversary to us! Our 37th, hard to believe! We started the day in Hollywood studios, formerly MGM studios. It looks mainly the same, but colder than last time we were here. We walked from Hollywood studios to Epcot via a long canal and the Boardwalk, about 2 1/2 miles and our first stop was, of course, the Rose and Crown, Bo's favorite pub west of London.
We met a couple there who are originally from the thumb area of Michigan, who left for Florida when they retired 10 years ago and never looked back. They were also camping in Fort Wilderness, why, I am not sure.

We are inside the Japanese Restaurant, awaiting our wonderful dinner. So where's the saki?
So this is our personal chef, grilling steak, shrimp, mushrooms, zucchini and onions. Here he is making a Micky Mouse volcano with zucchini and onions... I guess you have to be there! Great dinner, costing more money than a year's worth of tortillas in a Yucatecan village.
Having slept through the New Year's Eve fireworks, we managed to stay up for the Epcot Fireworks, cold notwithstanding. Life is good.
Hey guys looks like your having a great time and all is well. When I get my computer back I will call again. Love Cheri
sesshemCheri and Tom are here, helping us set up our new plasma TV. They are trying to get it done in time for the football games that are on tonight. Donald made them beef stew for dinner in payment for their valuable services. Cheri's computer is on the fritz and since she asked about you, I let her read your blog from here.
I had a juvie hearing yesterday in which a handsome young attorney named Nathan LaVail Hull was representing the mother of the baby with the broken arm. when I asked him if he realized that his parents anniversary had been two days before, he said, and I quote: Oh, F***!!" His birthday is February 3rd--I'm telling you this because he said Bo never remembers. Love, susan and donald
hey guys...Happy Anniversary. Love the pics and the blogs!! And the update on Nate from Susan! too funny. I am so glad you are finding out about the "other florida" it really is quite beuatiful. We are good here. Getting stuff done for taxes and fun stuff like that! miss ya! Val
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