Since our last report we've made the most astounding discovery. There's a lot more to Florida than Fort Wilderness Camp ground at Disney.
We took a boat ride on the intercoastal waterway with Rob and Val. Someone had to be the lookout and watch for Dolphins which are known to ram and sink boats.
After an exhausting boat ride avoiding Dolphins we picked up Rob's mother Pam and she took us (by boat) to the American Legion Hall (in this case the hall is on the bay) where they had a live band playing Jimmy Buffit music and selling beer for 2 dollars a pitcher.
Then we were off to the McGormans (talk about wild life) where Mike beat me twice at golf. The second 18 holes I only lost by one stroke. I of course had a hole in one. I got so excited I almost dropped my wee (wii) remote.
Then we were off to Manatee Springs. A really really big spring (1.5 million gallons a day) where Manatees hang out. Maybe that explains the name.
Woodpeckers can really be annoying. This one was making a racket next to our trailer. No wonder they're on the endanger species list. I was tempted to chuck a rock at it myself.
On our way to Panama Beach we stopped in Apalachicola for oysters. (The town and surrounding area provides 80% of the raw oysters American's eat everyday.) We had no idea until we stopped for gas.
You are becoming quite the naturalists. You had to take the picture of the Pileated Woodpecker just to make me jealous, didn't you? We had dinner with Cheri and Tom tonight and Chris and Mike Thursday and they all asked about you and what you are up to, so I reminded them to visit your blog. Mary and Bill are coming over tomorrow for a Super Bowl party--I will make bean soup. We miss you and hope you have a wonderful time at Mardi Gras. Don't forget that it is also Cheri's 60th birthday. She is taking it hard to could use some cheering up. Love, Susan
Nice post guys! Keep them coming.
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