Back to writing (or blog posting) until around noon. Lunch then whatever. So far we've looked at houses in 'The Villages', toured Mount Dora, visited the McGormans', taken long walks, read and otherwise puttered around. No golf as yet but I'm sure that's coming.
The weather has been in the mid 70's, no rain and no mosquitoes.
We missed you at breakfast today. We had a big crowd--eighteen of us at the Wild Rose. All the Canadian Lakers joined us--they are such a good group. I just took a nap; filled out an application to adopt a dog and am going to join Donald watching football. Friday, all the snow melted so naturally it is snowing now. Donald talked to Dixie today and she told us it was in the seventies and sunny, making him anxious to go on his trip. It is good to hear from you. We miss you.
Bo, you are on our jury list for the coming quarter. Should I have my clerk forward your notice to Florida; or would you rather I just moved you to the next quarter? Let me know.
Beautiful snowy day--my Court Administrator just snuck out to go skiing. Keep in touch. Susan
Dear Judge Grant...Please excuse me from Jury Duty. I am breast feeding and can not be away from my baby, I am too busy, My boss needs me to work, I think their all guilty anyway and I am leaving the country...Pick one please and get me off the hook...Love Bo
Bo-Bo, If this is the way you intend to keep in touch you are going to have to update the blog occasionally. So, what have you decided? Where are you headed?
We are having a great weekend--snow, snow, snow--so, I am staying inside to get to know Maisie. And read. And nap. Bruce Fredrick asked it you would be at the Governing Board meeting and after we all chuckled, we decided to put you on some committees--that is what happens when you don't show up.
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