Next day we spent $300. on running shoes, down loaded a 5 month training program and signed up for the Donald Duck Half Marathon...It could have ended there but $300. is a lot of money and the thought of Joel saying "I told you so!" was just too much...So it began...
Our first attempt was on August 21st...we did 2.43 miles in 43:04 or 17:44 minute miles...(to get a metal we had to go 13.1 miles @ 15:30 per mile)...we went home and took a long long nap...
We 'wajoged' (walk/jogged) three times a week gradually building up our distance on our every other week long run...3-5-7-9-11-13 miles...on the 5 mile I pulled a hamstring and on the 11 mile run Cindy "hit the wall at mile 10"...we were sustained only by the thought of Sarah and Joel and their smug knowing looks....
I gave up beer for a whole week before the race and Cindy and I drank gallons of water to hydrate...The day before the race we drove to Disney World and picked up our race packets and numbers...

We got up at 3:00 in the morning, took the mono rail from our hotel and got in line with 26,600 other racers...the temp was 46...we made it to our assigned coral and waited....we could see the start line (about a mile away)...and watched as the 5 corals in front of us made their start...Donald was there with Mickey and Goofy to start each coral...fireworks went off for each coral start...the wheelchairs went off at 5:30 and we went off at 6:10...Oh the humanity!...
My hands were cold because I'd forgotten gloves...around the half mile marks I picked up a glove and at the mile marker I picked up another...sweatshirts, gloves, hats and running pants littered the first two miles...
About mile three we settled on a 'race mantra'...something to keep our motivation up...something to make our blood boil...we decided on "Sarah and Joel are watching!"....
At mile four we came around a turn and along the fence was Sarah, Joel, Badger and Otter...Badger/Otter?...we had no idea they were coming to Florida and assumed they were sleeping in Traverse City...
Cindy threw out her arm to point (knocking a poor Asian woman into the ditch) and I (mouth open) drifted into a crowd of other runners creating havoc...complete
and total surprise...My first thought was that I was hallucinating....
Joel yelled something about meeting at the finish line and suggested we keep running...(putting distance between ourselves and the pile up was probably a good idea) on we went...9 miles later we finished and got our medals...3:13:37 for Cindy and 3:13:38 for me...(she beat me!)...Our pace was 14:47 per mile...well ahead of the 'goofy bus'....

Sarah and Joel had been planning the trip since last fall!...They ran the 'chip and dale' the next day (relay marathon...each doing 13.1) and we got to cheer them on...our metals are 'cooler' though!....

Best of all we got to see our grandkids....note how loose Cindy's jeans are fitting...

Wednesday they are coming down to Largo to stay for a couple days so Cindy is obsessing about food/beds/etc....We are both really excited...Best anniversary yet...

And I finally got to have a beer...
Congrats Bo and Cindy for 39 years, that is great. I don't know how Cindy made it. Good job on the Donald Duck finish and it was awesome some of your family was there to join you. I'm glad Bo didn't have to face Goofy. However, we think Bo is Goofy! It looks like your house is perfect and will give you many years of fun and joy with the family. How is the boat working? You did take your boat safety class didn't you? We miss you at the breakfast table but know the coffee on your lanai is sweeter. I'm now a blogger so we will see how this works out. I will try and reach you on Sunday for a video link. We would enjoy it. I have an IPod and I can video link with my daughters IPhone, We will see.
What a romantic story!! It has everything--drama, pathos, surprises and a happy ending. We are so happy you had such a wonderful anniversary and hope Sarah and Joel, Dela and Eli are enjoying the sunshine because they are really in for it when they get home. We were planning to drive to Traverse City today to make a pasty run but canceled it when we (and they) got 8-10 inches of snow yesterday. I had a snow day and was planning to work on an opinion, however, the snow interfered with my satellite dish internet connection so I just relaxed and had fun. Cindy, let me know when you will be in Traverse so maybe we can plan another trip up there.
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