This being our annual spring break, we had a choice between the Villages in Florida and Traverse City Michigan. Althought the choice might be obvious to those of you who equate "Spring" break with sandy beaches and warm weather, we march to a different drummer. Think ice covered bays, sub-zero temp's and the rumble of snow plows.
We began our adventure at a neat little b&b near Bellaire (Bellaire is
an Indian word meaning "too damn cold for people"). Lucky for us we had reservations. The proportors Pat & Stu made us feel right at home. Uncle Stu was anxious to show us their new heat source the patented "DVD Home Fireplace". I guess Uncle Stu saw it advertised on TV and was impressed that it was Amish built.
I actually burnt my finger when I touched the screen.
One of the other guests found the the "DVD Home Fireplace" so warm he wore shorts!
Later (after a wonderful dinner) we learned a new card game call "Bo and Stu Lose".
Aunt Pat took our picture. I think she wanted to compare us with america's most wanted.

The next day we went to Traverse City and stayed at the Bay Shore Hotel (Because of the recession they paid us to stay there).
Cousin Jody came and soaked in the hot tub (she refused to let me take her picture...something about an old scandal involving facebook and a transvestite midget wrestler)
Next day we went to look for Badger's new home. In between house hunting I sampled some excellent dark beer (We only ate at micro brewerys.) One of them offered to make me a life time member ($50.) with $5. refills on my "growler". Joel I'll explain it to you this summer.
In the spirit of Spring Break I wanted to take a stroll on the beach. This is as close as I could get Cindy to go.
Still we had a wonderful time on our northern spring break and look forward to returning again. (ie. in the SUMMER!)