Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Even though I've been to Florida on vacation many times, there is much to learn about this state.
Apparently there are some very interesting places besides that Magic Mouse park...Pat's place is one...

Pat is a retired physic's teacher who repairs instruments....He has a wooden shack behind his house chuck full of trumpets, guitars, saxophones, tuba's etc...He has strong opinions about musicians. Apparently his daughter is dating a drummer. If asked Pat will take the time to explain about the saxophone on his bench. It's in about 100 pieces and was found underwater.

Oranges are really a hybrid between lemon and orange. If a freeze (like the one in 82) hits really hard it kills the orange part of the tree and leaves just the lemon part of the tree. A few years later a fruit grows that looks just like a navel orange and tastes like lemon acid.

Also we've found a couple of potential winter properties...we're thinking of selling the trailer and buying a nice piece of land next door to the McGorman's....If we can get it for 1,000. an acre we'll be breaking ground next week....

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