Thursday, December 17, 2009


There is a foot of snow on the top of our trailer and the wheels are frozen into the ground. I tried to open one of the lower doors and it was frozen shut. I used a tool and now it's broken. (The lock not the tool). Like all the other things broken on the trailer (I got a list) I've decided to wait until I get to Florida to fix it. Maybe with temperatures in the mid 60's (I'd be happy with mid 30's today) I'll feel more like gluing things back together. (Gorilla glue...the best invention since the monkey wrench).

I remind myself that it is still late fall (the official first day of winter is Dec. 21st). But I comfort myself with an image....It's 70 degrees outside and I'm motoring through Southern Georgia on I-75...the window is down and I watch in the rear view mirror as chunks of snow fly off (and maybe a trailer part or two)...I sip my cola and gaze contentedly into the sunrise.

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