Sunday, November 30, 2008

Badger's 1st Thanksgiving

Four Generations

New Wig


Uncle David

Proud Great Grandmother


1st Eddition

Some Guy at the Resterant

Hanging on Every Word

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog

It is Thanksgiving Day and the first day of our blog. We are entering our pre-retirement phase and entering the blogosphere to keep in touch with our growing family. Please join us.
Janet (in desperation) is attemping to put her head in the oven....fear not she was stopped in time (before she wrecked the potatos).
It's thanksgiving morning at the home of Loraine (mother-in-law) and chaos reigns in the kitchen. Two turkeys in the oven and many many side dishes on the stove. This is our first blog posting and with the help of our above average daughter we are up and running. We will be posting a mission statement later but in general our intent is to maintain contact with our family (including friends) as we enter our newest adventure (Retirement).
As to the name of this blog Cindy and I have traveled many roads in our 40 years together. Details will follow but the essence of our travels have been the people we have come to know and love.