Saturday, February 21, 2009

My First Birthday

Hello world...My name is Adeline Emma Mulder (aka Badger) and I am one year old...The following Blog Post has been smuggled out of Cleveland...Where I am presently being "held"...

Last week my gram (code name "Nana") and gramp (code name "Gandolf") met to plan my "escape". The two other members of my gang Uncle David (code name "Bevis") and my Uncle Nathan (code name "Butthead") were unable to cross the boarder into Ohio.

We met under the pretense of a First Birthday Party. I know it wasn't a real birthday party because I had to eat a "White" cake. They can't fool me... I asked for a "Cholacate" cake and by "birthday law" a cholacate cake MUST have cholacate frosting. Not this "foo white frosting"...I was not happy!

I got some nice presents dispite my parents specific instructions that people were not to bring me presents. (Further proof that this was not a real birthday party!). Weirdest was this big tunnel that I was suposed to crawl through while everybody laughted. I think it was a symbolic thing... sort of re-enacting events from a year ago...I don't remember Mom laughing then and "I" sure wasn't happy!...But it made everybody happy so I played along!

Later I read a book to Grandpa Bo so he would take his nap!

I spent some time with Mom, Nana and Grandmother Vandenburgh. I'm the one with the blue eyes.

I had some wine and a long conversation with dad (I'm pretty sure he still doesn't understand a word I say...White Frosting!...Yuck!)

Despite everything the day was pretty good and I think my plan to "escape" from Ohio is moving along just fine...Granpa Bo insists on "moscow rules" so I'll continue to bide my time and do the "baby thing" for mom and dad...Badger