Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Christmas came a week early for Cindy and I this year. There was a joy at having all "the chicks back in the nest". This from Cindy who pronounces the words with a sigh in remembrance of days past. I think of Sarah's words in describing some minor outing by Adeline without both parents in attendance "We Are Raising Her For The World."

Easy words when your child is two and the world and it's clutching hands are far in the future. Far more difficult words when your children have kicked their way out of the nest, and with wild eyes and a shriek of joy, thrown themselves into open space.

In response Cindy and I have decided to do the same thing. With wild eyes and a shriek of panic we have thrown ourselves out of the nest and are back on the road. Admittedly the shriek of panic was more about me almost crushing the mailbox than anything else.

This morning we are sipping coffee and writing in our snug travel trailer 60 miles North of Disney World. Again we have stumbled on a quiet spot in the middle of Florida's wall to wall development. Lake Griffin State Park, 4 miles from 'The Villages'. Here we intend to stay for the next ten days, taking long walks and thinking deep thoughts.

After Lake Griffin we are without destination. We have vague plans of returning to Mexico for a month and still more murky plans of buying a winter home in Florida. We are in the midst of an unscripted play, a comic romantic adventure, with Cindy in the lead and I the principle supporting actor. She supplies the plot and I bumble along at her side. Occasionally I forget my lines but she is swift to prompt me.


bigloon said...

It appears she proof-reads too. Nice post.

Susan said...

We were wondering if you made it safely so thanks for the post. Glad to hear that you are staying at a state park and away from the crush of population. We are having really yucky weather--rain and drizzle all day. I started watching "Shoah" while Don went up to your room to watch football. Tomorrow night, we are going to dinner with Chris and Mike @ Pere Marquette and are then going to come back here to watch "Inception". Another exciting New Year's Eve for the Grants. We miss you.